tisdag 13 september 2011


I JUST LOVE THIS STORE... BOOST http://www.boots.com , I MEAN! I find EVERYTHING I want and need, and stuff I don't need but might need in the future... just love it.. I found some things that are great for adults and children.. So here are my recommendations:

For anemic people who are lazy like me or don't like to take pills I recommend: 

Spatone Iron Sachets - 28 I am using it right now. I LOVE IT, The taste is not tasty, but I mix it with apple or orange juice and it tastes good. there is another Iron sachete already mixed with apple flavour.

For those who needs to take D-vitamin pills and dosne't like it, I found a good one that fits adults and children. =) 
it tastes like a strawberry candy. However you should eat it after food, or you can feel the after taste. But this is a HIT, I love it, easy to take, and my friends children uses this too and the children are happy, the parents are happier. =)

Other vitamins for children: 
Bassett's Soft and Chewy Omega-3 DHA & Vitamins A, C, D & E Pastilles - 30

lördag 10 september 2011

Casall products

Well, some of us doesn't have time or have other reasons of why they don't go to the gym. Shortly... there are som good dvd and products out there. Just pick something you know you will use.

I bought Casall - multi exercise wheel.... and I LOVE IT. However you should combine it with other exercise to get a real gym experience.

I actually have this one and I love to use it as "abb roller". Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYwTLq0AiR0 .  After 2 days my stomach muscles are in PAIN.. FINALLY ... It means, its working very very very well!

Casall has a lot of products and really nice sports wear; check it out: http://www.casall.com/


fredag 9 september 2011

Asos favourites

Awww here are som favourites from ASOS. http://www.asos.com/Women/

Here are some direct links for the stuff:

Black Dress: http://www.asos.com/Seafolly/Seafolly-Gladiator-Maxi-Dress/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1433055&cid=9979&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=-1&sort=-1&clr=Black

Green Jacket: http://www.asos.com/ASOS/ASOS-Premium-Belted-Coat/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1724966&cid=2641&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=200&sort=-1&clr=Dark+green

Cream Jacket: http://www.asos.com/Mango/Mango-Military-Button-Coat/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1769615&cid=2641&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=200&sort=-1&clr=Cream

Skinny Jeans: http://www.asos.com/ASOS/ASOS-Super-Sexy-Skinny-Jeans/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1102928&cid=3630&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Black

Business: http://www.asos.com/ASOS/ASOS-Boyfriend-Blazer/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1704169&cid=13632&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=-1&sort=-1&clr=Black

Bracelet: http://www.asos.com/ASOS/ASOS-Wristband-With-Screw-Detail/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1604796&cid=4175&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=200&sort=-1&clr=Cream

Ring: http://www.asos.com/Swarovski/Swarovski-Black-And-Crystal-Louise-Ring/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1726695&cid=4175&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=200&sort=-1&clr=Black+%26+crystal

Bag: http://www.asos.com/Asos/Asos-Premium-Leather-Contrast-Front-Pocket-Satchel/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=1467855&cid=8730&sh=0&pge=1&pgesize=200&sort=-1&clr=Coral


It's difficult to find nice looking maxi dresses that goes with Hijab. I found some dresses andclothing that are very nice, cheap, and from UK! Like this site very much http://www.boohoo.com/ .

For the maxi dresses: http://www.boohoo.com/clothing/maxi-dresses/icat/maxidresses/?esp_hitsperpage=80



Washing clothes abroad tip!

Ok, recently I was in England. I had fun, but the clothes pilled up. And when I counted how much it would cost me at the hotels dry cleaner my heart stopped for a few seconds. So I had a mission: find a laundromat in Birmingham. So I found one, very big, and the prices was soooo cheap, and the building was like american style, so I thought.. this is to gooood to be truth. I clicked on "find us" and found it said : Birmingham, USA...uoppps.. I felt so stupid lol. Any way, I still looked for one on the internet.. and I didn't find ANYTHING... :S So.. ones we went to look for a mosque, then my husbnad went to a foodstore and I was walking because I was bored. and there i seeeeeee A LAUNDROMAT! I found one.. I was SOOOOO happpppy lol.. embaressing happy. 
So I did the laundre, but the problem was now how to dry them.. they will skrink in that shrinking machine (drier). So I had a pile of wet clothes in the hotel... there was a heater so I put the socks there, but the rest of the clothes.. after a few minutes .. I GOT IT !!! lol

Are you engaged, married or singel? Part two

And now for WOMAN! I am going to give you girls a hard time too! You know why.. Because I want to.. Before I write I want to say, NO ONE IS PERFECT, and we all make mistakes.. however.. we all can be better!

Sooo woman, I don't believe that one should put a facade and pretend to be an "Angel" and then after a few days after marriage you show your true self, and then your husband gets an heart attack. I bealive you can be shy, specially if you are a Muslim, because we shouldn't have boyfriends. And well, we all are shy in the begging, until we feel what we feel ;).

YEAH.... well for some people this work and for some it doesn't. I can not judge, and as I said earlier, every man and woman are different in a way and specially as couples. What works for u wont work for someone else.

Anyway, what I mean with facade is the "I do everything u want-LIES". When one gets married, u are not ONE individual of two.. one are ONE becoming a deeper TWO-IN-ONE. Don't think, HE HAS TO DO EVERYTHING, you both should do something. U are as I mention ONE. If u're husband doesn't work, why do you not work? .. if u're husband can't do something specific, FIX IT! Woman always shout about rights and equals and etc. But when it comes a situation the woman should man up, she refuses and puts the preasure on the man. (ps. i am only speaking in general, because every household have their secrets, so don't take this litteraly).

onsdag 7 september 2011

Are you engaged, married or singel?

Ok, are you engaged... or married or singel and waiting for the One... Well here are some advices from me to YOU!

Men and woman puts this facade and they think everything will be fine economi wise, life wise and facade wise. Already in the early stage of marriage, the faceds disappears and people start to divorce each other... so people; who does not have patience. LIFE is a STRUGGLE, so is MARRIAGE.. it takes two to tango, so HELLO? The marriage is about sacraface, live with the person you choose to love and live your life with. Am not saying that if the man or woman are behaving reaaaaaalllllyy bad you should stay.. Am talking about the small things that people often forget about and makes it a huge deal.

Expectations: We are surrounded of movies, media, dreamers and romance etc etc. Well I have to tell people around the world, specially arabs; What you see on tv is only ON TV. Specally turkish tv shows. COME ON ARAB WORLD. WAKE UP! You and your wife can have a beautiful life with struggles of life, it's normal. Noor and Mohanad BULLSHIT (excuse my language). You make IT happen.. Every couple are different, and they work diffrently.. No ONE can be perfect, but put in your mind.. a character you find in others that appeals you, does not mean that this person is better than your spouse. You might be good friends with a man or woman, but it does not mean you will be good for each other as a couple.

This is to the MEN:
1. MEN if u lived a life of sin, don't forget that the woman you choose to marry hasn't (or maybe) lived u're life, and u should treat her with respect. (She should treat you with respect too)
2. When you have girlfriends and special european ones, you should know.. EUROPEAN BODY--- ARABIC BODY = DIFFRENCES... we do not look the same.. even when we are thin, we still don't have the same body. Just deal with it!
3. To say to your wife that she is fat... come on... where are your abs, I only see a fat belly or a hairy chest! GO TO THE GYM TOGATHER, if u are rich build one in your house (especially does who live in the Middle East and the Gulf. )................ (I want a gym in my house waaa3, anyway!)
4. Sure, apperences is important for us people. But in the long run, it's, the trust, the character and how you two live with each other that matters, because with looks you don't solve problems. With a brain and a kind heart, you both will be winners.

tisdag 6 september 2011

Latifa and Fruit Flies aka F-flies! hihi

I saw this on my friends FB-status for a few days ago: Help! Can not cope with this anymore! How do I get rid off these disgusting fruit flies??????????.  

Don't worry friend, I have a GREAT idea!  MuGahAHhAHhAHgahHAha

After Latifa saw what happened, she sheered and then laughed hysterically. MuGHAhHAHhAHHAHA
... and then she sent me a picture of the dead fruit flies lol. The black thing in the middle are the dead F-flies!



Ok people... Mansaf is a must have. If u havn't eaten Mansaf made by a Jordanien, then u havn't eaten proper food lol. First of all, it's a traditional Jordanian dish, made of cooked lamb in a dried-liked yoghurt sauce with rice and Jordanian bread underneath the rice. So guys if you havn't eaten mansaf before, then call your Jordanian friends so they will make it for you.

PS: It should be meat, however in Palestine they put chicken; this is only for those who doesn't eat meat. And if I where YOU, I wouldn't don't tell a Jordanian that you want Mansaf with chicken, if u say it..
                     RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

Niqab 2011 in West Midlands, UK.

I got some insider information, from a dear friend in UK. And she gave me a chocking news... I don't know what to say... so I draw it......


måndag 5 september 2011

In the UK

If you are a shopoholic, then England is the place to shop.. But when it comes to Hijab / Veil / Sjal fashion, then you should NOT do what I saw in UK! You walk down the streets in West Midlands and you see mashallah a lot of people from different cultures with their traditional clothing. BUT when it comes to be "modern" or fashionista...... am not PERFECT, but COME ON!, some common sense sisters!!!

 Sisters around the globe!!!! There are some GROUND RULES... the HIJAB needs to cover
1. HAIR,
2. EARS,
3. NECK,

The clothes should cover, 1. BOSSOM, 2. ARMS 3. LEGS.



Well, I am back now. had a nice vaccation alhamdullah. And I hope everyone had a nice fast in Ramadan, and that your days where filled with blessing from Allah.

I wanted to gratulate Iman Al Debe, for her first FASHION SHOW in Sweden. She had 2 in one week.. GOOD JOB GIRL! .. so here are some pictures I found on her blog!

Mashallah, Good luck sister Iman !!!!!