The Brushes
Tips from Me =)
Hello allesammans... Idag blir det ändringar i bloggen och jag kommer börja skriva på svenska och ändra lite vad bloggen kommer handlag om. Det kommer vara lite gott & blandat och lite sött & surt ;) . Jag tycker om att tipsa om allt möjligt, makeup, huskurer, roliga händelser, biopremiärer, lite tips om barn, recept på mat och dessert. Med andra ord, se det som Malacos godis utbud hehe. Hope u enjoy my blog.
lördag 15 oktober 2016
Make up brushs
Som mascara borstar så finns det en drös av sminkborstar. Och jag har ingen koll på vad alla borstars användning är 🙈😂😂. Om någon undrar varför tjejers reseväskor väger el är överfullt så är detta orsaken. SMINK VÄGER och HAR MÅNGA VERKTYG 😱😱 
Mascara Brush Guide
Det är en DJUNGEL av mascara borstar och man vet inte vad varje borste har för funktion. Så hittade några guider som kan vara till hjälp 😍
fredag 14 oktober 2016
Måla på löv
God kväll, dagen började bra, men blev kaos mot kvällen. Men sånt är livet, man sätter ett leende på läpparna och hittar på olika aktiviteter. Keep on going and Rolling 😊👍👍👍
Detta behövs:
Barn; för att måla och plocka löv 😅
Målarfärg som är avsedd att måla på löv och andra material
Måla på löv
God kväll, dagen började bra, men blev kaos mot kvällen. Men sånt är livet, man sätter ett leende på läpparna och hittar på olika aktiviteter. Keep on going and Rolling 😊👍👍👍
Detta behövs:
Barn; för att måla och plocka löv 😅
Målarfärg som är avsedd att måla på löv och andra material
Swirl PH86 Dammsugarpåsar
Som ni vet tidigare så buzzar jag för Buzzador en del produkter. Som person tycker jag om att testa produkter och skriva om dem så alla får ta del av det. Så idag sk jag buzza om SWIRLs nya antiallergen filter dammsugarpåsar. En ny produkt från Swirl, helt fantastisk för oss med eller utan allergier.
Dammsugarpåsarna är certifierade och godkända av TÜV-NORD. Påsarna håller dammen kvar i påsen samt pollen, kvarter, mögelsporer, bakterier. Och den har en lock så man stänga av hålet utan att få en massa damm och smuts när man slänger den i papperskorgen.
En bra sak är att påsen kan användas längre tack vare SWIRLs MicroPor Plus som ger en bättre lagringseffekt. #swirlph86 #buzzador #swirl
FAZER Ice Coffee mudcake och Liqourice Rasberry chocklad
Oj oj oj, vilken chocklad upplevelse. Var på ICA en snabbis och en tjej står där och man får smaka Fazer´s nya chockladbar, alltså WAW, det var gott. Det fanns med mint, men den smakade jag inte. Men ice coffee kladdkaka och lakrits med hallon och vit chocklad var ju så gott. Ni måste testa dem. annorlunda smak och lätt, inte mäktig. Och chokladen passar bra till kaffe och te.
TIPS: Man kan smälta den vita chockladen och använda den som glasyr på pops pinnar. Detsamma gäller den andra chockladbaren.

Bon appetit - trevlig helg :D
TIPS: Man kan smälta den vita chockladen och använda den som glasyr på pops pinnar. Detsamma gäller den andra chockladbaren.
Bon appetit - trevlig helg :D
söndag 9 oktober 2016
Barnlekar och alfabetet
Tänkte börja skriva om olika barnlekar. Allt som behövs för denna är eran fantasi helt enkelt. Man kan göra detta med barnen också, så de känner sig delaktiga och stolta över att de skapat en lek själva med Er.
Denna barnleks starter pack är: Kartong, sax, målarfärg och din fantasi. Jag klippte kartongen i fyrkanter, målade dem olika färger och skrev bokstäver på dem. Min dotter är 3 så jag ville hitta på ett roligt sätt att lära henna alfabetet på svenska, engelska och arabiska.
Man kan skriva olika länders alfabet.
Lekens lärdomar:
Färger: Be dem att gå/hoppa på en specifik färg och byt färg.
Bokstäver: Be dem att leta en bokstav, och berätta vad det är. Eller låt dem gå/hoppa runt tills du säger stop. Och den färg/bokstav de står på ska de berätta vad det är.
Berättelser: Man kan be dem att plocka en bokstav/färg och berätta en historia om det.
Barnen lär sig färg på olika språk, alfabetet, lära sig distans på att hoppa, springa runt lite och använda deras fantasi.
Sov gott alla!
Denna barnleks starter pack är: Kartong, sax, målarfärg och din fantasi. Jag klippte kartongen i fyrkanter, målade dem olika färger och skrev bokstäver på dem. Min dotter är 3 så jag ville hitta på ett roligt sätt att lära henna alfabetet på svenska, engelska och arabiska.
Man kan skriva olika länders alfabet.
Lekens lärdomar:
Färger: Be dem att gå/hoppa på en specifik färg och byt färg.
Bokstäver: Be dem att leta en bokstav, och berätta vad det är. Eller låt dem gå/hoppa runt tills du säger stop. Och den färg/bokstav de står på ska de berätta vad det är.
Berättelser: Man kan be dem att plocka en bokstav/färg och berätta en historia om det.
Barnen lär sig färg på olika språk, alfabetet, lära sig distans på att hoppa, springa runt lite och använda deras fantasi.
Sov gott alla!
torsdag 6 oktober 2016
Barn som är överaktiva
Hello everyone. Många av oss har minst ett barn som är överaktiv och man blir paff av att hitta på något nytt hela tiden. But don´t worry, I FOUND A WAY... Hittade en bra bok (finns särkert massor av andra böcker), men denna bok hade bra ideér och passade bra på de barn jag testade på (min dotter och mina kusiner). Har ritat en fin bild till er =) , detta kan användas i barnkalas, eller när man har en fest och en massa barn springer runt på dansgolvet.
Detta behövs för denna aktivitet:
Tjockt färgat papper
(eller halkfritt material om man inte har en matta på plats)
Klipp stora runda cirklar (man kan ta det som är bekvämast för en eller göra olika former, men de ska vara stora)
Klipp kartongen till den storleken som ni valt (om ni köpt halkfri material så klipp den med i samma storlek). Klista.
Varje färg ska vara ett antal så barnen kan hoppa på dem.
Barnen kan stå på sidan, eller på en stol (med vuxna som håller koll så ingen ramlar), och man lägger färgerna på golvet. Så börjar en, och man säger till exempel, "hoppa på den röda",. Man kan Hitta på massa med denna lek.
Hoppas Ni gillade den.
Detta behövs för denna aktivitet:
Tjockt färgat papper
(eller halkfritt material om man inte har en matta på plats)
Klipp stora runda cirklar (man kan ta det som är bekvämast för en eller göra olika former, men de ska vara stora)
Klipp kartongen till den storleken som ni valt (om ni köpt halkfri material så klipp den med i samma storlek). Klista.
Varje färg ska vara ett antal så barnen kan hoppa på dem.
Barnen kan stå på sidan, eller på en stol (med vuxna som håller koll så ingen ramlar), och man lägger färgerna på golvet. Så börjar en, och man säger till exempel, "hoppa på den röda",. Man kan Hitta på massa med denna lek.
Hoppas Ni gillade den.
torsdag 2 juni 2016
Ramadan Kit part 1
Ramadan is near the corner, and you will see people go around with a misbah -pearlbeads or a counter watch. So please do not misstake the ones you see on the bus, train, busstop or whatever place in the world that this man/woman is doing something "scary", they are just praising God and count their blessings. And the counter watch it is easier than the beads because some of us forgets how much we counted lol.
torsdag 26 maj 2016
LDB oil infused body creme
Hi there people, it is a lovely day with rain during the last days in May, everyone is happy, NOT. :D
anyway I am a buzzador and sometimes I get things to try out and share it to others. This time I got a product called ldb body creme for dry skin and its a new product from the brand ldb.
anyway I am a buzzador and sometimes I get things to try out and share it to others. This time I got a product called ldb body creme for dry skin and its a new product from the brand ldb.
It is a cream for the body with coconut and macademia, and it has a nice scent from orangeflower, sandeltree and vanilla. Actually I didn't have for a few hours and a man took one to try it and he loved the smell of it and he said you can feel how silky the skin feels. You do not have to put much that is a plus. Overall interesting product with moisteraizing elements.
måndag 23 maj 2016
Name necklace Sweden - Arabisk Namnhalsband Sverige
This link has a sale on engraving necklaces and its 10 % sale on the items that are on sale too. how awesome is that.
For you in Sweden who wants your names in a necklace, in arabic, gold or silver you can do it here . This link will get you the silver one, and its cheap they have a good deal now - 270kr :) this will be a great gift for anyone :)
and the best part you can also have a ancle bracelet with your name in Arabic, English or Swedish. So cool.
For you in Sweden who wants your names in a necklace, in arabic, gold or silver you can do it here . This link will get you the silver one, and its cheap they have a good deal now - 270kr :) this will be a great gift for anyone :)
and the best part you can also have a ancle bracelet with your name in Arabic, English or Swedish. So cool.
fredag 6 maj 2016
Acne Cyst and dark spots on the skin
Good afternoon friends, I have had the worst week ever, from no wear dark spots just took over my face, and it looks aweful. So what do a woman in need do, I GOOGLE IT, and search for remedies, because no cream so far has helped, until this ....
First step: clean your brushes with water and shampoo regulary. So you don't get stuck with the bacteria family members.
Step 2: a good cleanser, that doess't dry your skin to much. I use an cleanser against acne and bacteria from the pharmacy.
Step 3: RAW HONEY, yeah you heard me, raw HONEY, you put it on the spots. I put it all over my face. The honey will stop further infections, heel the skin AND kill that infection on your face. Leave it for approx 10-15 min at night or when you have time to take care of your face,
Step 4: wash it with hot water and then on a dry skin put an oil or a face cream with moisterizer.
Keep in mide, the spots takes TIME to disappear, however we can fasten the process a little bit. In the beginning some acne will show because it was already in the skin and they break out, then you will in a few days noticed that the spots are red or pink like and have patience. One day you will wake up SPOT FREE. You have to give this time <3
On Renee Voltaires page this awesome remedy face mask for dry skin.
For one face
1 mature avocado
1 tbsp Raw Cacao Powder
1 tsp Raw My Sweet Honey
1 tbsp Raw Cacao Powder
1 tsp Raw My Sweet Honey
Mix all the ingrediens togather with a fork and apply to the face. Let it be for 20-30 minutes and then rinse it off with hot water.
onsdag 27 april 2016
Annemarie Börlind beauty shot
Hello friends,
I havnt been able to put all the products yet, but I choose to use Annemarie Börlinds vitamin beauty shot, yeah you heard me, a vitamin shot to get rid of dull skin. Its a vitamin energizer for dull skin, and they say it will freshen up the skin and boost it with vitamines to get a fresher look and more radiant skin. I took a before picture, that I will put after a week has passed. Right now my skin is softer, and we will se how fresh and radiant I will look :) I love EXPERIMENTS
I havnt been able to put all the products yet, but I choose to use Annemarie Börlinds vitamin beauty shot, yeah you heard me, a vitamin shot to get rid of dull skin. Its a vitamin energizer for dull skin, and they say it will freshen up the skin and boost it with vitamines to get a fresher look and more radiant skin. I took a before picture, that I will put after a week has passed. Right now my skin is softer, and we will se how fresh and radiant I will look :) I love EXPERIMENTS
tisdag 26 april 2016
Daniele de Winter
An amazing, gorgeous and elegant woman, I might say about Daniele de Winter and ther product idea is just divine. She says the jorney to real health, beauty and happiness comes within us, and her products are oraganic and of herbs and fruits. I got a herbal/frutty shot and it was actually Ok in taste. Her idea is amazing and she comes from a family who worked in skincare, so she knows what she is talking about.
When I try her products I will be happy to write it down and share it with you guys. Here are some pictures I took from the event.

Jamela Eye mask 24 carat gold
Heey gonna put up a picture were my baby trying out the goldmask under her eyes. All I could think off was how to sell it in an arab country and get some cash from it. HEHE, we all thought that.
Anyway I only got ONE pair of the Jamila gold eye mask, and it was suprising I looked more fresh under the eyes. That it GOLD ;) Jamelaskincare they have the products here in Sweden too, and it feelt like "real housewife of America" moment ;)
I have to recommend the beautiful summer collection of Maria Åkerberg lipstick color, amazing on the lips and a great colour that isnt over the top, but a stop light. <3 I got to try out for children a product called baby care for rash (exem), so I will get back on that.
Sthlm Beauty Week 2016
Hej and Salam ya'll, yesterday I was a the and it was a lot of people there and loooods of products. Some of them was just THIS I WANT, and then that and I want everything. However, there were some products that caught my eye and I am gonna try them out one week at a time, I know to see a change it will take 4-6 weeks at least, but I will give them one week and see if it works. Those with sensetive skin, or acne, or big pores, or the skin look dull, I got the same problem and here to do experiments to see if I can get a beautiful skin unfiltered with no foundation on.
Gonna put some puctures up and then each week I will talk about the product I used.
I gotta say I tried some PÜR mineral makeup on my hand and the skin didnt crack, it wasnt dry at all. This concaeler was amazing and the girl who was pitching it was looking faboules and she was wearing their foundation and makeup, they have some products I want to try out.
Organic, Vegan and HALAL certificated MakeUp is HERE all the way from AUSTRALIA, waw I say, the products are free from animal and alcohol, how awesome is that. and they ship to SWEDEN ... så det kommer till oss WOHOOO. I will put up some pictures,
Gonna put some puctures up and then each week I will talk about the product I used.
I gotta say I tried some PÜR mineral makeup on my hand and the skin didnt crack, it wasnt dry at all. This concaeler was amazing and the girl who was pitching it was looking faboules and she was wearing their foundation and makeup, they have some products I want to try out.
Organic, Vegan and HALAL certificated MakeUp is HERE all the way from AUSTRALIA, waw I say, the products are free from animal and alcohol, how awesome is that. and they ship to SWEDEN ... så det kommer till oss WOHOOO. I will put up some pictures,
söndag 16 november 2014
safe mode F8 on windows 8
Hi, I found a good pc magasine page called and learned a few things about windows 8. But now i will write how to get the F8 button to work, its easy :D and ANYONE can do it.
For us with windows 8, to find Command Prompt look at this picture:
For us with windows 8, to find Command Prompt look at this picture:
Step 2: when Command Prompt opens, type the following:
bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy and press ENTER
And the just restart and press F8 ,,, ta daaaa SAFE MODE
I found this useful information at
I am BACK in business
Almost two weeks I had a lot of HP Laptop problem. First my lovely daughter ((her nickname is Tarzan)) poured tea (without sugar and milk) on my lovely computer, she did this the same day I had to send my essay introduction to my professor. Yeah I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad, so I put her in her naughty corner and ignored her crying (it killed me but really the mad emotion dealt with that) .. So I had 4 days.... 4 days to get it fixed... it died, lucky for me my neighbour saved my files and photos (alhamdulillah - thank God), after that I rebooted my laptop 3 times... yes 3 times in a week ,,, because some idiot sent me a trojan virus and I was so tired I didnt even see it... until strange thing happend....
So, I learned alot of new things about re-booting computer, how to get the safe mode button- F8 to work on windows 8 and other things =)
If u dont have a neighbour u have old dear YOUTUBE and GOOGLE.... but never ever change anything u dont know, read, look on youtube clipps and if u feel u cant to it, then dont ask someone else.
lördag 18 januari 2014
Vegan cupcake - no eggs and dairy free
Here is a video of how u make vegan cupcakes. And for those with egg and milk protein allergy try this one. Specially for the little ones who suffers the most.
In Sweden I use diary free milda spread but there are others brands but make sure there is no milk protein in it if you are allergic to it.
torsdag 16 januari 2014
onsdag 15 januari 2014
Kabab koobideh with basmati rice with saffran.
This month is persian month. Finally I managed making good tasty unhealthy rice :-). A tip watch many different videos on YouTube and u will find the way that suits you. I tried the hard way It was exhausting , and I found a way to make it faster and delice ;)
Koobideh recipes on internet are different, but You can change the spice seasoning.
fredag 10 januari 2014
Roqs, the food terror
Hello all, long time no see, well my computer died and I havnt drawn pictures for a long time, I promised my friend to draw an event, but it was funnier in real life then this painting, so sorry mrs Roqs, but I promise to do better.
Honey, did u try to kill them with the chicken balls... WTF... am glad the plate and myself came home in one piece ;)
this is how u do it babe....
Honey, did u try to kill them with the chicken balls... WTF... am glad the plate and myself came home in one piece ;)
this is how u do it babe....
lördag 2 mars 2013
Rose napkins
You can make these with paper or fabric.
We propose a touch of distinction inside the glasses of each of them: using the art of origami, with two textile or paper napkins rolled together, we create this marvelous rose.
To create the leaves:
1. Fold a square napkin on a diagonal
2. Then fold in half along the diagonal
3. Fold in half again
To create the rose:
1. Use a square napkin of any color and fold the fabric in half along the diagonal. Put it on a flat surface so that the larger side is on top and then fold the corner opposite to the upper side, taking care the edges are parallel.
2. Fold back the bottom-up napkin in half and wrap a napkin from one end to the other side.
3. Place the flower top and bottom halves of the leaves.
4. Finish in the glass.
{via: Martha Stewart}
Chocolate kiwi popsicles
I also found this, you can use what ever fruit that works well with chocolate =)
These popsicles are good, refreshing, delicious and so simple that one no need words to explain its preparation, because even the little ones can help you.
Dip each Kiwi-pop into the chocolate mixture (it will immediately turn crispy) and place on a tray to refreeze or pass around right now.
These popsicles are good, refreshing, delicious and so simple that one no need words to explain its preparation, because even the little ones can help you.
Dip each Kiwi-pop into the chocolate mixture (it will immediately turn crispy) and place on a tray to refreeze or pass around right now.
Paper Pouches
These are actually really cool for close friends, because I don't think anyone have time to make 50 + of these lol .. maybe while one is watching a movie or something. U can put on popcorn, candy, nuts, fruits, just use u're imagination =) ... I love internet, specially when u Google, u find all kind of stuff =)
Of course, I found this at Martha Stewarts page, lol.
Of course, I found this at Martha Stewarts page, lol.
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